Tuesday, August 31, 2010

inspire me.

today my run around town with the very wonderful, super cute and pregnant Hanna inspired me to do great things. Great, amazing, profitable artsy stuff. it was nice to spend the day not in an appointment, cleaning, or folding laundry-although I REALLY needed to do that.

At Domestica I purchased and really-it isn't that far. *this is a note for my california family-get on a plane and come see me!

I didn't find any thing at Vitae. I have a gift certificate for Pink Revolver, but couldn't find a single thing which is SO strange to me.

I also peeked through Ephemera's window and saw the most divine chalk board that will soon be on my wall in the kitchen. It said: TODAY I WILL DO 2 AMAZING THINGS. How spectacular is that?!

So on top of all that wonderfulness I come to discover that Hanna is a knitting extrodenaire! This is amazing news and I can't wait to learn from her as well.

Nothing like an afternoon of Fong's, wonderful stores, great company, and amazing conversation!

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