Sunday, September 12, 2010

september the eleventh.

9 years ago today I was a sophomore in high school driving to school. I was new and barely knew where all my classes were-just a few weeks into the semester actually. I remember a very odd silence in school, seeing every tv on inside each classroom I passed, and arriving to my first hour biology class. I was the first to be seated and my biology and world history teacher were standing at his desk talking in very low voices. I remember seeing the tv and not understanding what was happening. I don't recall opening a book in any class that day or doing any thing previously scheduled as far as projects or tests. I remember sitting in room after room with people I barely knew sharing this momentous moment with them. I also remember being extremely scared because my grandparents, who I lived with, were in Oregon and I kept hearing that no one would be flying any where soon. I wasn't sure when they were going to make it home or if they did get on a plane if they would be safe. If any of us were safe.

9 years ago-I mourned for people I never got to meet.

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