Beauty is truly in the eye of the beholder. We live in a society where beauty is based on size and form rather than personality, citizenship, compassion and involvement. Some of the best woman I know will never be in magazines or a 60 foot banner in Time Square, but they are every bit as deserving. Their freckles, wrinkles, big hearts, grey hair, gap teeth...all of their "imperfections" combined with their swelling hearts make them just as worthy and beautiful to me. I do appreciate a beautiful woman and now that I've been around the block a time or two, been a few places and have lived in my body for a crazy 25 plus years I am beginning to understand what all the fuss is about. It's about loving you. Loving you from the inside out. Of course you'll have flawed moments of weakness, but who doesn't?
These, of course, are a small sampling of the wonderfully beautiful inside and out woman in my life.
I actually have a very long list of tremendous friends, cousins, aunts, and inherited family that I
am blessed with in my life. I am surrounded by beautiful woman with hearts the size of Texas, compassion to the moon, and love that can not be measured.