Wednesday, March 30, 2011
to the sea.

Tuesday, March 29, 2011
love the one you're with.
Killing Us Softly 4: Advertising's Image of Women [Trailer] - Available ...
Sunday, March 27, 2011
mr. oliver edmund.
every thing in it's place.
I saw this information at Handmadeology and am considering a little blog organization because of it. I never put much thought into what goes into my blog each day, or if a post each day was necessary. But I feel the busier I get and more I have to do a little organization in this aspect of my life. I'm personally working on organizing my home and changing my life style, so why not do a whole revamp? Now I just need to decide what I want to focus on-just one thing, or five? I have a lot to think about and I can't wait to examine all my options.
1. Create an editorial calendar – This doesn’t need to be anything fancy. I just use a standard spreadsheet. At the beginning of each month type out the days in one column and then brainstorm ideas for posts – listing each one next to a day.
After you get all the info down that comes from brainstorming – start to organize. If you have a lot of posts that have to do with fashion, perhaps you could do one each Monday, photography each Tuesday, updates on your business each Wednesday, and so on.
It is ok to sway from the calendar when unforeseen events occur, but a decent amount of consistency will give your readers a sense of stability. They will have an idea of what to expect each day.
This consistency will also create trust with your readers. If you are a DIY expert and post your newest how-to advice every Friday, your readers will begin to trust that they can find a fantastic weekend project on your blog each Friday morning.
2. Proofread – Even though it is a blog and not a formal essay or business letter, there is value in proofreading your work. It helps to write your post, step away from the computer for a few hours and then proofread it. When the information is not fresh in your mind, you are more likely to catch silly mistakes.
Spelling and grammatical errors will happen and that is fine, however several errors in a post tends to look sloppy, which might give your readers the feel that you just threw something together – rather than put a bit of heart into it.
3. Add relevant images – Remember when you were a kid and you gravitated towards the books full of pictures? In many ways, we still do that.
Blogs that are all words and no graphics can look dry. Take a little time to find a graphic or take a photo and add it to your post. Or add several. Or better yet, make some posts more images and less words. Some days your readers just want to glance through a post and take in soothing eye candy. Not every post needs to be word heavy.
4. Blog consistently – In relation to #1, it is important to blog on a consistent basis. You don’t need to post every single day but make an effort to be consistent. If you have the time to post three days a week, plan to do it Monday, Wednesday, and Friday rather than three posts all shoved into one day. As previously stated, readers will enjoy the consistency and begin to trust a blog they can depend on.
5. Clutter – Try to keep your sidebar and links at the top clutter-free. Don’t add every button you come across online, this tends to cheapen the aesthetic of your blog. Choose items that you feel add to your blog, rather than simply fill up space.
Friday, March 25, 2011
oliver squared.
Wednesday, March 23, 2011
want in one hand.

And perhaps my patio set needs a new umbrella for $24.99. I think the white would look great with my red wood round table.

Do you suppose I can win the lottery by Monday?
Monday, March 21, 2011
super fantastic.

The Natural Living Expo and Des Moines Swap O Rama Rama together at last! I cannot wait for April 2 & 3rd; finally a 2 day swap that every one can attend. So here's the gist of what the swap is about and why it is so amazing: Swap-O-Rama-Rama (SORR) is a clothing swap and series of do-it-yourself workshops in which a community explores creative reuse through the recycling of used clothing. Participants bring their unwanted clothing to the event site. The clothing is sorted and everyone is encouraged to choose new items. Experts will be on hand to teach workshops and foster creative thinking in terms of clothing modification, screen printing, and embellishment. It’s more than a clothing swap, it’s a Swap-O-Rama-Rama, where excitement and opportunities for dialogue are created during the swap process. Last year I did the Yudu demonstration and it was so much fun. I'm hoping this year I get to actually see some of the other demos and explore the Expo since I'm working on a very important life changing experience of my own! Please click on the links above for more information, mailing lists, and to volunteer for the DSM SORR! Last year went so well, we had a great turn out and also a great show case of repurposed clothing.
so this is love.
nom nom nom.

Monday, March 14, 2011
take me home.

I went home this weekend and although I didn't get to see all the people I wanted to it was a wonderful visit home. If there were no road signs and I had no memory of the roads you can tell when you're close to home. Strangers in mud covered trucks do a flick of their fingers to say hello, traffic becomes scarce, and life itself seems to slow down in general. Although going home makes me sad and some times is overwhelming since my grandparents have passed I have a lot of people there that love me and I love them as well. Each time I go home it is a closer date to when my house will be torn down. The farm hardly seems the same with the new house, landscaping, and swing set in the yard. I do hope to get some boards from the house to make some thing. Perhaps a shelf or sign for my current home. I think all my trips home are bittersweet. Next time I go home I'll be there to see a good friend of mine who will be going to Afghanistan soon; but I know he'll be home again.
“A house is made of walls and beams; a home is built with love and dreams.”
spring awakening.
Wednesday, March 9, 2011
One thing I do know about Seattle is that Lydia will be there and I will have the best of the best tour guides in the city. Ideally she'll take me to every touristy spot known to her and help me not look like I just came off the train straight from the farm. But let's face it, I am a tourist and as long as I enjoy myself I could care less if I look like a mid-west girl with pigtails and boots on. Perhaps I'll just start telling people I'm from Maine and completely throw them off.
So let me begin with my Seattle hopes and dreams. Between some other friend's recent adventures and my odd obsession with Anthony Bourdain I must see Seattle and preferably sooner than later. I wish I could find the full episode Mr. Bourdain did on the Pacific Northwest, because it really was my last push to understanding my curiosity of the area. The food, the people, the art. I've compiled a list of places I know I must go see, but these are just Seattle. Later I plan to do a post about where I must and will go in Portland.
1. Seattle Art Museum "SAM"
2. Space Needle
3. Experience Music Project
4. Pike Place Market
5. Pike Place Fish
Heck, there's even their October Fest celebration the weekend of my birthday...not to mention numerous music festivals, more trails than I can wrap my head around, and from what photos are showing me beautiful waterfront scenes. Oh yes, I think this trip will be a true adventure.