Friday, December 31, 2010


so there are many special december birthdays that i wish to say "HEY! Happy birthday to you!"

My nephew, Makaio!

My brother, Adam.

My nephew, Blake. 4 years old already?!

My Grandpa Richard. He'll be gone 3 years this coming June, but he's a very important part of my life.

Dear sweet Rose. Rose is my cousin's wife and I have a big spot in my heart for her!

Wednesday, December 29, 2010


jesus cake.

I apologize if any one takes this name in an offensive manor. As kids my Grandma Kimbley made punch bowl cake and from what I remember as a "tween" she made it in March for my dad and Grandpa's birthdays and for Christmas-both times the cake got candles and we sang happy birthday. At some point we started referring to the cake as Jesus cake and the names stuck every since. I can't tell you when we decided on said name or why we were allowed to get away with it, but now in my family when you say Jesus cake, every one knows exactly what you're referring to. Since my grandma passed away 3 years ago this January I am left to carry on the tradition, which I hold very dear to my heart.

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

tie dye.

Thanks to The Art Store for these beautiful colors! I can't wait to use them for some fun onsies and a re-do from last years tie dye mistake. Maybe if I get any good I'll do some t-shirts, burp rags, and hand bags as well! So many possibilities!

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

stir it up.

So I've decided among my many other projects that making a food that I have never prepared solo is my new adventure. First was homemade chocolate chip cookies and last week was puppy chow. Both successful in their own right. So now I'm searching for this weeks food that I can serve my ever so picky family for Christmas. I've decided to make homemade pesto next week in a pasta dish. It doesn't matter what it is, I just want to explore new foods and things that I make all my self. Eggplant lasagna is on my list, but this Christmas dish is baffling me....HELP!!!


I've been seeing all these scrumptious photos and recipes of food that include pesto, which leads me to believe that I really need to buy some pesto.

Anjou Pear, Caramelized Walnuts and Arugula Pesto Mayo Panini

Bacon, Mozzarella, and Pesto Panini

Pesto Lasagna

Pesto Pizza

Pesto Bruschetta

shake and bake.

I drank a good beer the other night while sitting home alone watching tv. It's made from corn stalks and is quite yummy. I believe it's local as well, which makes me happy.

Oh puppy chow!!! This was my first experience making puppy chow and I have to admit it wasn't as bad as I had predicted. This cooking some thing new every week is going pretty well and I haven't ruined any thing yet...hurray for me!!!

Also, a HUGE thank you to Jeanne Ambrose who donated some wonderful cooking supplies to me today. A cooling rack, cookie sheet, pie pan, and loaf dishes. I hope to put them to as much use as she has!

santa is real.

Went with my sister to the mall today and took my niece and nephew to see Santa. A mighty fine Santa, might I add. Blake told him he wanted hot wheels and a bike. Aubrey was silent, which is a huge change from her usual talkative and hurricane like personality. Santa told Blake that he would try his best to get him what he asked for, which Blake assured me he probably would. Krissy and I didn't get to ask Santa for any thing this year, but I'm ok with that.

Saturday, December 18, 2010

PS22 Chorus 1000 OCEANS by TORI AMOS Choir version


Tonight, December 17th, 2010 I...

filled the final addresses into my address book. So now I don't have to ask you every year what your address is. I also...

cleaned a little and decided it was time to take photos of my marble collection. They go wonderfully with the marble board my Grandpa Richard hand carved.

Friday, December 17, 2010

Oh sweet baby jesus....Kate F., Girl are my new hero. Veggies, veggies and more veggies. Merry Christmas to me for finding this blog!


ok....awesome new recipes website...FOR BAKING!!!!! I'm just saying....YUM!

mountain man.

How could you not love these three lovely ladies? Their voices are like honey and they make me feel at peace. Listening to their music makes me feel like I'm back home on the farm, camping or at a festival-which I liberally consider my home as well. This song makes me yearn for spring, green grass, and camp fires.

Kaleidoscope(s) - Mountain Man from KALEIDOSCOPE(S) on Vimeo.


Have you ever seen any thing more amazing? Look at that belly grow!

Magic- A Belly Grows from The Panic Room Videos on Vimeo.


Wednesday, December 15, 2010

do it to it.

Ok, so I've decided to cook some thing I never have every week. Last week homemade cookies-this week, puppy chow! I haven't quite decided on next week, but treats seem to be the theme around the holidays. I need to start compiling recipes for later on in my adventures and keep to this task.
Thus far I have done a poor job on my book a month project. I'm going to start the smaller of the two books I chose and hope that I can finish it in two week. I should buckle down and read every night before bed. I'm also excited to learn a new knitting stitch when Nicole gets back from California. I finally completed my niece's scarf and I am super proud of it. I hope she loves it too-she does love to wear my scarves and hats around so I'm sure she'll be in heaven.

YAY for the holidays and projects. Curtains to come soon...oh and a vintage buffet for my living room!!!

Monday, December 13, 2010

10 second tidy.

These will cure my storage problems for the low low cost of $170 plus shipping. Please send money to make my organizing dreams come true.

Sunday, December 12, 2010

holiday spirit.

I thought I lost my holiday spirit...I haven't found all of it, but todays snow and cookies really helped me. Next is wrapping!

oh yudu.

Perhaps this will work better? I have to have shirts done by Friday though....blast. YUDU Hacks: Coat a Yudu Screen from DIY Teeshirts on Vimeo.

Wednesday, December 1, 2010


So I know you've heard me rant and rave about my love for edamame lately. I actually bought a bag from Target on sale for $2 and ate the entire steam bag was glorious. So I've decided I'm putting these grand little soy beans on my list of things to grow next year. This coming garden season will be better planned out and I will be planting things that I find I use/eat more of. I really really want to can this coming year too. My friend, Nicole's step-mom, Denis has graciously volunteered to share her canning knowledge with me. She actually has an entire kitchen just for canning, so I know I'll be learning from a pro.
Here's a little edamame information provided by Veggie Gardening Tips:
Edamame is a nutritious vegetable that’s popular with commercial farmers, but hasn’t caught on with the home gardener. That’s unfortunate because edamame, more commonly known as green soybeans, are easier to grow and more productive than the popular lima beans found in many backyard gardens.

Reasons to Grow Edamame in the Home Garden
Soybeans are touted for their nutritional value, and the fresh shelled beans are delicious as well as healthful. Farmers include soybeans in their crop rotations to harvest the dry beans, but also to help improve fertility by increasing the nitrogen levels in the soil.

You can grow edamame and receive the same nitrogen boosting benefits in the home garden. Just as when growing other types of beans, you’ll get higher yields and see more nitrogen produced in the soil if you apply nitrogen-fixing inoculant to the edamame seed at planting time.

The nitrogen-fixing bacteria comes in the form of a dry, black powder which is applied to the moistened edamame seeds just prior to planting them in the garden. Be sure to select a strain of bacteria inoculant that is identified for use on soybeans.

Soybean Planting and Cultivation
Edamame can be raised in conventional rows or be grown in raised beds. Plant the seed about one inch deep and six to eight inches apart.

Soybeans don’t require much attention while they are growing, just supply adequate moisture and control the growth of weeds. As with all beans, avoid handling or working around soybeans when they are wet to avoid spreading diseases among the plants.

The edamame pods grow in clusters that should be harvested while still green, as the beans become plump and fill out the pods. The fresh beans can be shelled like lima beans, or they can be cooked right in their pods by placing them in a pot of boiling water for a few minutes until tender.

Edamame Varieties
For dry soybeans, or if you’re growing for seed allow the pods to fully mature and dry on the plant until they are brittle. Popular edamame varieties include: Hakucho, Butterbean, Envy, Beer Friend, and Sayamusume.